Phenomenology is a study of people’s conscious experience of their lifeworld, that is, the lived experience that gives meaning to each person’s perception of a particular phenomenon (Polit & Beck, 2004). The goal of the phenomenological inquiry is to fully describe lived experience and to depict the essence or basic structure of the experience (Merriam, […]
Article: Grounded Theory Research
According to Creswell (2009), grounded theory is a qualitative strategy in which the researcher can extract a general theory from the processes, actions, and interactions of participants in a study that is grounded in the participant’s point of view. What differentiates grounded theory from other types of qualitative research is its focus on building theory. […]
Article: Ethnography (Hypothetical)
An ethnographic study is one that focuses on human society and culture. The product of ethnographic research usually is a rich and holistic description of the culture under study (Polit & Beck, 2004). Cultural background serves as an essential component as the knowledge people have acquired structures their worldview and behavior. This means much of […]
Article: Introduction to Case Study Research (Hypothetical)
Merriam defined a case study as “an in-depth description and analysis of a bounded system” (Merriam, 2009, p. 40). According to Merriam (2009) a case study investigates modern phenomenon with real-life contexts, especially when the boundary between a phenomenon and context are blurred. The case study approach is best utilized when a holistic, in-depth investigation […]
Article: The Basic Design Qualitative Study
The next series of articles will focus on exploring qualitative research designs: basic, case study, phenomenological, grounded and ethnography. These articles can help novice qualitative researchers with the ground work involve with doing qualitative research. Introduction Quantitative and qualitative research methods differ in their investigative objectives, types of questions they pose, types of data collection […]