Whether you are new to the nursing profession or a veteran, the chances of encountering nurse bullies is the norm, rather than the exception. A crucial idea to bear in mind when dealing with a bully is to know your rights, and recognize when they are being violated. You have the right to be respected […]
Postmodern Education Influence: Part 2 Of 2
Postmodernism describes a way of thinking which has become pervasive in the Western world and has influenced education over the last generation. Postmodernists believe that truth is an artificial illusion, misused by people and special interest groups in order to gain power over others. In essence, this philosophy describes the world we live in today […]
Postmodern Education Influence: Part 1 of 2
The postmodernism philosophical approach fits into my personal beliefs. Postmodernism describes a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late-20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism which marked a departure from modernism. In a postmodern world, everything is up for grabs because postmodernism believes that there are no truths and no right […]
Education: A Spark
Before entering the nursing profession in 2001, I was a soldier in the Army doing logistical work. A path I chose for the opportunity to serve a great nation and to achieve my dream of becoming a nurse. When the opportunity presented itself for me to reenlist in the Army in exchange for going to […]